I’m Very Happy with the Way I Can Walk Now!

Monday, June 22nd, 2020
Last modified on October 19th, 2021

I’ve been fighting foot drop for about a year now. I have one of the braces that are stiff and goes from my shin to under my foot. It helps but my walking gait is not comfortable. I saw the SaeboStep on a video and was impressed with the way it attached to my foot and wanted to give it a try! I’m very happy with the way I can walk now!

My walking gait has improved drastically and I’m no longer using my cane every time I go out! I’m more comfortable when walking on unlevel surfaces and can navigate the stairs. I can go in and out of my house without my wife wanting to hold my hand to keep me from tripping over my toes. I’m thinking of buying more kits for my different shoes so that I can wear them and not just the two that came with the kit. Thanks for helping me get back to normal life!

— Randall V.
